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Amadeus is arguaby one of the most successful serious plays of the last half century.  It celebrates Mozart and his music but also analyzes, with compassion and wit, how ordinary most of us are. It's a drama with nuggets of historical truths. It's a tragedy. A contest between Salieri and God vs the inexplicable talents and gifts of Mozart and his " ordinariness ". Director Robin Frome brings an insight and a unique ear to a story you think you know. A modern staging with an emphasis on humanity and relationships.

Director: Robin Frome

Audition Dates: May 20 & May 21st

Show Dates: July 19th - August 3rd 


This rendition of Amadeus has a modern twist, there will not be any period costumes in this performance.


All parts are age and gender fluid.




Antonio Salieri - Court composer and later imperial kapellmeister to Joseph II, emperor of Austria, Salieri is ambitious and has promised to dedicate his life and talents to God in return for fame as a composer. He found success in the emperor’s court and is part of a faction of Italians who advise the emperor on cultural matters. However, once Mozart arrives on the scene and Salieri hears his exquisite work, he feels betrayed by God and lets his feelings of mediocrity, jealousy, and bitterness consume him. He vows to destroy Mozart as a way to get back at God.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - A child prodigy from Salzburg, Austria, and a genius composer, Mozart is seeking a position in the emperor’s court. He is extravagant, arrogant, juvenile, foul-mouthed, and impulsive in social and political situations, but creates unbelievably remarkable music. He eventually loses support in court, and, unable to secure a steady income, becomes a poverty-stricken alcoholic and struggles to survive. But he always remains true to his music.


Constanze (Stanzi) Weber - Mozart’s wife whom he married against his father’s wishes, Weber loves and supports him in his work through every humiliation and hardship. Though both are cavalier and juvenile, she is more responsible and practical and even willing to sacrifice herself for him.


Joseph II - Emperor of Austria and brother of Marie Antoinette, Joseph II enjoys and supports Mozart’s music but is ultimately persuaded by Salieri and others at court to cut him off.


Count Johann Kilian von Strack - Chamberlain of the Imperial Chamber, von Strack is a stiff and proper court official.


Count Franz Orsini-Rosenberg - Supercilious, Orsini-Rosenberg is director of the Imperial Opera.


Baron Gottfried van Swieten - Prefect of the Imperial Library.


Two "Venticelli" - "Little Winds" purveyors of information, gossip, and rumor.


Major Domo - A servant of a prominent baroness.


Non-Speaking Roles


Salieri's Valet

Salieri's Cook

Teresa Salieri

Katherina Cavalieri

Guiseppe Bonno

Servants and Citizens of Vienna

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